Angela Jayes

Angela Jayes, CNP

Hailing from the great state of Ohio, Angela Jayes has been a Nurse Practitioner for 10 years. She took her skills acquired as a Navy Corpsman and turned it into a very successful Medical Career. She has run her own practice with her husband for several years, delivering smart and compassionate care to the community. Angela has focused her practice towards interventional injections for pain and wellness as well as training NPs to take part in her business or to set up their own successful practices. Her standards and practices have been adopted by multiple medical malpractice carriers.

Her professional goals are to motivate and enable Nurse Practitioners to embark on their own career and have a seamless transition after training. She feels strongly that a respectful and efficient collaboration can be instrumental in that path. She is dedicated to delivering those benefits for every provider in her community.

Timothy Jayes

Timothy Jayes, Chief Executive Officer

Tim hails from 29 Palms, California and has been an entrepreneur for 17 years. He has steadily supported his wife Angela’s business pursuits, helping to build and manage the systems that she utilizes to deliver quality care.

Tim believes in efficiency, compliance and clarity of purpose. He has always imbued each organization he leads with those principals. In this endeavor, it is important to Tim that we focus on supporting these critical provider relationships thoroughly and expediently.